The Art of Living Pain-Free

Mastering myofascial release

Dear Community,

Let's take a moment to appreciate, a finely-tuned masterpiece comprised of various systems and tissues working in perfect harmony: the human body. At the heart of this incredible structure lies the skeleton, a framework consisting of 206 bones, 360 joints, and over 600 muscles. These components provide the body with stability and support, distributed with precision to enable versatile movement and flexibility.

Our bodies function like self-sustaining ecosystems, diligently maintaining themselves unless disrupted. Numerous factors can disrupt this delicate balance if we fail to provide proper care and maintenance. At the end of this post, we've listed some of the most common factors that can throw your system off course.

But first, let's get practical and explore the art of mastering myofascial release. To get up to speed, consider our previous post, where we thoroughly discuss the benefits and effects of myofascial release. “Myo” means muscle and “fascial“ refers to the connective tissue that covers and supports muscle throughout the entire body. By targeting the myofascial tissues, we aim to release tension and contribute to a pain-free life.

Picture this: You accidentally wash your favorite sweater in hot water, and it shrinks. Have you ever tried to put it on afterwards? It's like trying to fit into a sweater meant for someone much smaller. You end up with limited mobility, worried that any sudden move might rip the fabric.
Now, let's draw a connection to muscle inflammation and pain. Just like that shrunken sweater hinders your movements, restriced muscles and fascia can do the same to your body. It's as if your myofascial tissues are saying, "Sorry, you can't move comfortably right now."
Remember that while this analogy helps us grasp the discomfort and limitations in movement, the causes of shrunken clothes and muscle inflammation are quite distinct. Nevertheless, thinking about it this way can emphasize the importance of addressing discomfort for our overall well-being.

Now, let's take it a step further. Imagine you're not just wearing a sweater but a full jumpsuit. This metaphorically illustrates how your body is interconnected, much like a complex network of wires. It's why restrictions in your upper body can lead to limitations in your lower body and vice versa. This is also one reason why muscles, nerves, arteries, and more can become compressed, leading to symptoms specific to the affected region.

Mastering Myofascial Release

  1. Take It Slow: When performing myofascial release, move slowly over areas of tightness, pausing on trigger points or tense spots for 1-2 minutes.

  2. Gradually Increase Pressure: As you become more comfortable with the technique over time, you have to gradually increase the pressure you apply.

  3. Comprehensive Coverage: Make it a goal to focus on a different muscle group each day, ensuring that you address the entire body.

  4. Emphasize the Spine: Pay special attention to the spine, targeting the lower, middle, and upper back, as well as the neck.

  5. Utilize Specialized Programs: Explore specialized programs in our app, such as the "MFR" training routine, which helps you identify critical areas and safely guides you through the process.

  6. Combine Pain-Relieving Programs: Consider trying out mixed pain-relieving programs in our app, like "Rehab," which combine myofascial release, mobility exercises, and strength training.

  7. Use the Pain Location Model: Start by exploring near the source of your pain, where you typically experience symptoms. Test all myofascial release exercises in the affected area mentioned in the app, in order from the most to the least important. Remember, pain can manifest in various locations, so thorough exploration is essential.

For example, if you're dealing with elbow pain, but no exercise relieves it, you may need to check further pain locations like the forearm, shoulder, middle back, or neck. This principle applies to other pain locations as well.

Wondering if myofascial release is working on you? Look out for these signs of progress:

  • Improved relaxation

  • Enhanced mobility

  • Reduced pain and sensitivity

  • Diminished numbness and tingling

  • Gradual improvement in pressure tolerance

  • Overall well-being

  • Improved sleep

  • Easier upright posture

  • Other noticable improvements

If you experience pain after myofascial release, remember:

  • Expect some discomfort during the process, which may intensify over the next 2-3 days, similar to post-workout muscle soreness.

  • Start gently and increase pressure gradually based on your comfort level.

  • Listen to your body, and if muscle soreness persists, allow a day or two of rest before resuming.

  • If you experience a significant increase in pain, it could indicate that you have targeted a muscle or tendon that was already excessively stretched or lengthened. In such instances, what your muscles require is a regimen of strength training to achieve the best possible outcome.

Keep in mind that after addressing one area of discomfort, pain may arise in another part of your body. This underscores the importance of addressing the entire system. In our app, you'll find a special program that covers the whole system: MFR AX PRO. These routines encompass both the lower and upper body.

Don't be discouraged or fearful if you experience heightened symptoms during the process; it's a common occurrence. Approach with caution, but also persist, as it often signifies progress.

Photo 1: Full body release routine: MFR AX PRO

Duration and frequency

The timeline for achieving release through myofascial release depends on four essential considerations:

  1. Duration: Allocate approximately 1-2 minutes per targeted muscle group or area, focusing on controlled, deliberate movements. Spend more time on tense or uncomfortable areas, allowing muscles to adapt and release gradually.

  2. Frequency: Daily myofascial release is feasible, particularly for those with chronic muscle tension. However, it's unnecessary to target the same muscles daily. Aim for 2-3 sessions per week per muscle group.

  3. Consistency: Consistency forms the bedrock of success. Regular practice sustains muscle flexibility and diminishes tension, reducing the need for daily sessions over time.

  4. Response Time: Each individual's response varies based on muscle tension severity and causation. Some may find relief after a single session, while others may require several months of consistent practice. Patience and persistence are paramount, as enduring practice can yield enduring benefits.

Incorporating myofascial release into your wellness routine fosters profound transformation. As you embark on this journey, remember to listen to your body, embrace the discomfort, and relish the liberation of a more relaxed, mobile, and pain-free life.

Better a painful end than endless pain.

Listen to your body

Pay attention to your body's feedback during foam rolling. If an area is particularly sensitive or painful, be gentle and avoid excessive pressure. If you're unsure about how to target specific muscles or areas, consider consulting with a physical therapist for professional guidance.

Getting out of your comfort zone

To get real results you should start easy and gradually progress towards your comfort zone. After a bit of practice and repetitions you eventually need to start pushing through your comfort zone. That is where the actual magic happens.

Photo 2: The magic happens outisde of your comfort zone.

When discomfort reaches a certain threshold, the body initiates a process to create new neurological pathways for improved movement optimization. This is akin to hitting the reset button for both muscles and the nervous system. To illustrate, think of your car: when you press a button, the mechanical action is translated into an electrical signal, which informs the onboard computer of the source of that input, leading to a specific action. In your body, the concept is similar. You must apply sufficient and sustained pressure to ensure that signals are reliably transmitted, allowing the brain to work with these signals and generate the appropriate response.

It's important to note that foam rolling should be part of a broader fitness and wellness routine. If you're dealing with chronic or severe muscle tension, it's also advisable to seek guidance from a healthcare provider or physical therapist. They can conduct a thorough assessment and offer personalized advice on foam rolling and other therapeutic approaches.

Check out our previous post about fitness equipment, where we've provided information about selecting the appropriate foam roller based on your needs and requirements.

Empower yourself now, and set the stage for a stronger future.

Best regards,
Anoush & Yann
[email protected]

*list of things we neglect and degenerate our bodies:

  1. Poor diet (including processed foods and food additives),

  2. Excessive alcohol consumption,

  3. Drug abuse,

  4. Smoking,

  5. Physical inactivity,

  6. Chronic stress,

  7. Sleep deprivation,

  8. Dehydration,

  9. Overuse of antibiotics,

  10. Overconsumption of medications,

  11. Environmental toxins,

  12. Unprotected sun exposure,

  13. Poor hygiene,

  14. Inadequate healthcare,

  15. Lack of vaccinations,

  16. Pollution exposure,

  17. Inadequate sanitation,

  18. Unsafe sexual behaviors,

  19. Insufficient sleep,

  20. Excessive caffeine consumption,

  21. Physical traumas,

  22. Accidents,

  23. Air pollution,

  24. Water pollution,

  25. Climate change effects,

  26. Radiation exposure,

  27. Noise pollution,

  28. Harmful everyday products,

  29. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms),

  30. Cleaning products,

  31. Cosmetics

  32. Other products we never question.

This free app could assist you in managing some of the toxins you encounter in your daily life: Yuka.


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