Get Fit on a Busy Schedule

Hacking Fitness in a Jam-Packed Schedule

We get it. With the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding time for fitness often feels like trying to solve a complex puzzle. 'Busy' and ‘tired’ seem to be the new norm, and maintaining a regular exercise routine can sometimes seem an uphill battle. But here's the good news: Incorporating fitness into your busy schedule is more achievable than you might think! Plus, regular exercise will boost your efficiency in all your other endeavours.

In today’s post, we'll dive into five realistic and practical ways to ensure exercise happens, regardless of your jam-packed schedule. From setting achievable goals to lunchtime workouts, we have you covered. Let’s dive in and redefine what 'busy' can mean for your fitness journey!

1. Kick-off by setting Realistic Goals and Prioritize: Begin by charting your fitness course. Is it weight loss, muscle toning, or an energy surge that you're after? In the HealEra app, there is a built-in goal tracker within the ‘profile’ section, but you can easily track your invested time by writing it down on a piece of paper. A good goal is to aim for 150 minutes per week, which are roughly 22 minutes per day. Consistency is also key. We recommend to exercise 3 times per week. If you’re only just starting out, aim for whatever feels realistically achievable. At the start, it is all about building a habit. Your fitness journey is uniquely yours. For more detail, we’ve written a post about SMART goal-setting as well.

2. Schedule Your Workouts: As many of us have learned first-hand, an unplanned workout is often a workout skipped. Give your training the importance it deserves by including it in your calendar or using the app's scheduling function found in the ‘mind’ section. Set alarms to ensure you receive reminders and show yourself the respect you deserve as you prepare for your upcoming sessions.

3. Build a Habit: If the scheduled 50-minute workout looks daunting, trade it for a shorter training session. The key element is to not break the habit of working out.

Make it your mindset to be a person that respects their exercise plans. Starting is often the main hurdle. Once you’re in movement, you may find that you have more energy than you thought. Don’t make it a common practice to skip your workouts. Instead, show up, check the box, even if you can’t give it the time and effort you wish you could. Showing up consistently is a success in itself and will give you the momentum you need to achieve your goals.

That said, life happens, and if you have to reschedule, don’t be too hard on yourself.

4. Embrace Compact Routines and Seize Opportunities: Exercising can be practiced in even short pockets of time. You’ve got no time to go to the gym? There are fantastic workout options available that don’t require a massive time investment but deliver great results. As an example, in the ‘HealEra’ app we include tailor-made training routines such as Tabata, 7-minutes, HIIT, Amraps, and EMOM, all requiring minimal equipment. Or just have a look at the 10 minute Core routine we posted before the new year.

In your daily life, look for opportunities to move. Take the stairs, stand or walk during phone calls, or do light exercises during breaks. Opt for steps instead of the elevator and, when feasible, walk or bike to work. You can also maximize your lunch break for a quick workout. A brisk walk or a short jog can be excellent ways to stay active during the day.

The 7-Minute Full Body Training Routine

5. Unleash Your Creativity: As you gain experience, feel free to create your own training routines. Just grab a piece of paper or your favourite notes app and create a routine to your liking. If you want to get more advanced, our app includes a training editor that lets you customize your quick training sessions. As an example, select time-efficient exercises like Push Up, Step Up, Squat, and Crunch Kicks for 5 rounds without a break, making it a 10-minute workout.

Bonus tip: Track Your Progress: Keeping tabs on your progress can be a huge motivator and give you ideas on how to progress and get even more efficient with your training. Features to monitor your activity levels, variety index, workout type, muscle ratio balance, and more are built straight into HealEra, to make tracking effortless.

The health statistics about your training routine.

Above all, sticking to your plan regularly is more important, than how hard you push yourself. Try to make your workouts a part of your daily life, not just something you have to do. Adopt the mindset of a healthy person. What would the person I want to become, regarding my health routines, do at a specific moment. Think about your overall well-being instead of just your appearance. The gains of a consistent exercise routine will be felt everywhere in your life.

Start with small changes and gradually develop your fitness routine. The trick for long-term success is figuring out what you enjoy and how to make exercise fit into your interests and lifestyle.

As always, thanks for reading! We’d like to hear from you. How do you keep to your schedule, how do you stay disciplined and what are the obvious benefits you’re enjoying? If you want to share, send us an e-mail at [email protected].

Catch you in the next one,

Yann & Anoush


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