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  • The Unseen Wealth - 6 triggers to be happy and stay fulfilled

The Unseen Wealth - 6 triggers to be happy and stay fulfilled

Life's Free Gifts and Its Unpurchasable Riches

The irony of life lies in the fact that the essentials are free — sunshine, water, food, rest, air, exercise and provided by nature, while the true desires of our hearts — health, fitness, respect, and love — can’t be bought.

Dear Community,

When was the last time you craved something that was too expensive to get? Or a higher paying job that is a lot more hours but in return promises more financial wealth? We are constantly surrounded by ads and the latest and greatest trends, which naturally lead us to want more, well… things.

Taking a step back, it is quite fascinating to realize, that the things that truly matter, the ones that hold real significance, are given to us for free. They are right in front of our eyes, yet we frequently overlook or disregard them.

In a world filled with these types of contradictions, it's interesting to note how the success and recognition we chase after, and use to impress others with our achievements and wealth, don't necessarily bring us satisfaction. Instead, we often discover that what we were searching for was within us all along. Many people have written about chasing specific goals for years, only to later realize at their destination, that they still aren’t happy.

We, as humans, tend to create challenges only to solve them, to then rediscover truths we already knew. Today, this rings true more than ever, as mental health crises are abundant. The real treasures, those that can truly heal, rejuvenate, propel us forward, and enrich our lives beyond measure, are governed by the six most astute doctors known to humanity:

  • Sunshine

  • Water

  • Healthy Food

  • Rest

  • Fresh Air

  • Regular Exercise

Although these treasured can’t be bought and are freely available, they must be earned.

We are overwhelmed with lessons on achieving and acquiring, yet the fundamental truths that pave the way to a meaningful existence are often neglected. Instead of building on these proven fundamentals, known for their profound impact on health and wellness, we are often looking for the next dopamine hit. Instant gratification overshadows what will make us happy (and healthy) in the long-term.

Consider the paradoxes that weave through the tapestry of our lives:

  • a house but no home,

  • a bed but no restful sleep,

  • plenty of food but no real appetite,

  • relationship but no love,

  • a watch but no time to enjoy life,

  • education but no real understanding,

  • material riches but no happiness,

  • power but no one's respect,

  • lots of followers but no real influence

  • gym memberships but no discipine,

  • books but no curiosity,

  • maps but no sense of direction....

In an age where everything appears to be just a click away, the stark reality confronts us: all that we truly desire, the essence of what it means to lead a fulfilled life, is born from effort and discipline. It's a poignant reminder that the path to genuine satisfaction and contentment is not laid with the acquisitions of the material world but cultivated through the experiences and values that no currency can buy.

Dear readers,
as a further step towards building a real community of health interested people, we want to start a questions corner. Do you have a health related question that may be helpful to other people?

Then please submit your question to [email protected].

  • Which of the aforementioned health triggers: Sunshine, water, healthy food, rest, fresh air and regular exercise have you been neglecting thus far this year?

    What can you do to make a positive change this month?

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As always, thanks for reading,

Information is power, but action brings transformation. That's why we've developed the HealEra app to support you on your health and fitness journey. (currently iOS only)

Our app is based on three health pillars: Release, Strength, and Mobility.

  • It offers a wide range of training routines categorized by difficulty levels, catering to all ability levels from beginners to advanced enthusiasts.

  • With HealEra, you can identify and target painful areas, finding the right exercises to ease and eliminate pain. The app also provides valuable information about specific areas of concern.

  • Monitor your progress with our comprehensive statistics section, which helps you make informed decisions about adjusting your training routine.

Other features include the ability to create your own routines and share exercise collections with other users. Sign up now for a 14-day trial to experience the app yourself.


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