Training Pro

Get better, become stronger!

Dear Community,

The Training PRO program of the HealEra App has a lot to offer, with a huge variety of exercises and workout programs to choose from. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, you'll find workouts that suit your level and help you progress.

There's a wide range of training programs available, including Tabata, HIIT, Calisthenics, AMRAP, EMOM, Pyramid, 7 Minute, Full Body, Lower Body, Upper Body, Core, Myofascial Release, Rehab, and many more. Plus, we've developed special challenges to help you increase your strength and keep things interesting.

Every workout program has different levels, and we encourage you to start at a level that's appropriate for you. Don't worry if you can't complete all the reps at first - just do what you can and gradually work your way up. Once you've mastered one level, move on to the next for continued progress.


If you need to modify an exercise, that's okay - just make sure you're doing it safely and effectively. And remember, variation is key to staying healthy, so we've included a variety index in your profile to help you mix things up.

Lastly, we use the abbreviations UX, LX, and AX to refer to the upper extremities, lower extremities, and all extremities. We hope this makes it easier to navigate the different workout programs and exercises.


These 7-minute workouts fit into everyday life, no matter how busy you are. Take a short break and do something good for yourself and your energy balance. Move out of your comfort zone, make a change and make sure this becomes a new routine in your everyday life.


Tabata's training method, which was invented by Dr. Izumi Tabata from Tokyo, uses high-intensity interval training to create full workouts, improve the cardiovascular system and build strength. The Tabata training only lasts about 4 minutes, which fits into everyday life. Always try to make this particular routine as intense as possible.


High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a form of training with longer intervals and with slightly lower loads than Tabata training. The shorter a HIIT the more intense it should be. HIIT workouts usually last between 10 and 40 minutes. Some health benefits include fat loss, muscle gains, reduced blood sugar, improvement in aerobic metabolic capacity, heart rate, and blood pressure reduction.


AMRAPs are beautiful metabolic workout formats. AMRAP stands for „As Many Reps As Possible“. This program can be used as one whole workout, multiple workouts or even be used at the end of another training routine. This style of training can be beneficial to literally anyone at any fitness level. AMRAP is a must-know, peach-kicking acronym!


EMOM stands for „Every Minute On The Minute“. EMOM is a type of high-intensity interval workout, where you have a specific time to complete a specific number of exercises and repetitions. The key to this type of workout is to finish your repetitions before the time is over. When you’ve completed your set, you can rest the remaining of that minute before you move on to your next set. Repeat this cycle until you can’t finish the set anymore. Be aware that the slower you are completing your set, the less time you’ll have to rest.


The Full Body PRO is designed to help you train every muscle in your body. All the Full Body PRO programs complete each other, so make sure to change between the programs. Try to progress, by choosing higher training levels.


The Lower Body PRO is designed to help you train your leg muscles. All the Lower Body PRO programs complete each other, so make sure to alternate between programs. Try to progress, by choosing higher training levels.


The Upper Body PRO is designed to help you train your chest, back, core and arm muscles. All the Upper Body PRO programs complete each other, so make sure to switch between programs. Try to progress, by choosing higher training levels.


The Core PRO routine trains the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen. A strong core leads to better balance and stability. Most sports, physical and daily activities require a stable core to move properly and efficiently.


The Rehab PRO routine takes you through all the necessary functions in the neck, shoulder, core, hips, knees, and ankles. For every body part, there are specific movements that have to be guaranteed for a fully functioning body. The Rehab PRO program doesn't work with levels but rather with days and consists of easy and light movements. Start with day 1 and finish with the last available day, then repeat until you are able to perform more complex movements, build muscles and return to your all-daily activities, sports or hobbies. The rehabilitation programs can be used after injuries, operations, or diseases that lead to dysfunction in certain areas. Or else, if you want to take a step back from your current training routine due to occurring pain. The program is specially meant to improve your condition starting from the very beginning.


Myofascial Release is a technique often used by healthcare professionals to relieve pain, optimize muscle and nerve function, and much more. Physiotherapists for example have trained their hands to feel tightness in certain areas. This is something that is not learned easily, but the more time you spend with your own body, the more myofascial release you do, the easier it gets to identify tightness in certain areas. These spots or muscles are the ones that need to be released. Frequently, tight muscles feel sore, are sensitive, or just painful, whereas a muscle should not be painful when pressing on it. The pressure should be of course felt but no pain should occur. If painful or tight areas are identified then keep on releasing them until they do not hurt anymore. Be aware that at the beginning of the myofascial release program, pain can increase in the area where you’ve been releasing. Sometimes the muscles become very sensitive only by touching it, which is very normal. This program helps you to cover all the muscles, be specific and look in every corner for tightness.


Calisthenics is a street workout that evolved into a training method that has some similarities to gymnastics or Crossfit. Calisthenics increases strength, endurance, and flexibility, using only one's bodyweight for resistance. Workout intensity and difficulty can be increased by influencing the bio-mechanical lever system. Sometimes these exercises are done with tools like rings, bars or parallettes. The workouts come in different levels, starting from level 4, to help you increase your strength progressively at any level. Calisthenics trainings work on the whole body and can be performed outdoors in calisthenics parks, at home or at the gym.

The calisthenics routines will help you to master the Planche, Front and Back Lever, Flag, Handstand, Handstand Push Ups and Muscle Ups step by step.

To do calisthenics safely and injury-free, you have to exercise with optimal technique.


The Pyramid PRO program offers variety from the casual workouts and helps you get past a plateau. Pyramid training is a stepped approach to sets and repetitions, by gradually in- or decreasing reps.


DropSet is a workout routine that continues until muscle failure kicks in with a specific exercise, then, the load is reduced and the exercise repeated, with little to no rest in between. The goal is to maximize muscle gain. This technique is often used by bodybuilders in a gym on machines, although here the bodyweight leverage is used to reduce load and maximize muscle gain. Do as many repetitions as possible then hit the next button, with no rest, continue until the set is done. This training routine can be used as or after a workout.

Best regards,
[email protected]


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