Defining your SMART health vision

How to set smart goals to train and progress efficiently

Dear Community,

In today's fitness and health landscape, the options for training routines seem limitless, each offering its own unique advantages. However, it's crucial to evaluate your individual goals and requirements before committing to a specific regimen. Taking a moment to reflect on why you are pursuing a particular training routine can help you determine if it aligns with your objectives.

Contrary to popular belief, achieving optimal results does not necessarily require years of experience. The key lies in having access to accurate and relevant information. Unfortunately, the vast amount of available information can make it challenging to discern what is truly valuable and effective.

We understand these common hurdles in the fitness journey, and we're here to help. Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge you need to create an efficient and effective fitness program. Over the next few weeks and months, we will be sharing our insights and thoughts on this diverse and captivating subject.

Defining your SMART health Vision

One common pitfall that throws a lot of people off their fitness and health goals is engaging in workouts without a clear purpose.

Having a clear and specific goal in mind is essential if you want to achieve the desired results. If you are feeling unsatisfied with your progress, experiencing a plateau, or simply take too long to see improvement, it may be time to re-evaluate your objectives.

Having a clear vision is a powerful driver of motivation and can significantly enhance the achievability of your goals. Whether you aspire to lose weight or master the ability to perform 20 pull-ups, incorporating the SMART principle can guide you in creating objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Be specific and honest about what you want to achieve. Setting goals that are too far-fetched (“I want to look like X“), too broad (“I want to lose 50kg in two months“) or simply unrealistic (“I want to lift 50% more weights in the next month“) can lead to a loss of focus and motivation. Instead, aim for specific goals.

  • You may want to do a Core PRO I training session twice per week.

  • You may want to fasten your Tabata PRO personal best time by 15 seconds in a month.

  • You may want to reduce your body fat in the next month by a realistic 0,5%.

Make your results measurable. Use a timer to track your improvement when doing a specific routine. Try to rate your training sessions after the finishing and compare your ease with a specific routine over a longer period of time. Mark down the weights you use and, when comfortable at a certain level, gradually increase them. Check off a routine you’ve mastered and move on to the next level.

With specific and measurable goals, your training vision should become much clearer. As important as those two core values, is that the goals you set are attainable. Unrealistic goals are often used as an excuse to give up. No matter how much effort you put into your fitness, if the summit unreachable, eventually disappointment and fatigue will set in. Cut yourself some slack and start with achievable goals. These help to build the habits that will get you to higher ground and ultimately lead to victory.

Your goals should also be relevant to your situation. As already discussed, general thoughts like “I want to be fit“ or “I want to be lean“ are too broad and ultimately too imprecise. They also aren’t very exciting. Think about why you strive for these specific things. Specify a vivid vision and think about the details. Think about the potential outcome that will ultimately be worth it:

  • “I want to have a more muscular body so I can finally excel at my favourite sport.“

  • “I want to build better endurance because I want to take long hikes with my family on vacations.“

  • “I want to keep a high mobility level because I want to be able to play with my grandkids when I’m older.“

  • “I want to release the tension in my shoulders and wrists because it will enable me to play my instrument more comfortably.“

  • “I want to keep my injuries in check because I want to play tennis or ride a bike until I’m 70 years old and beyond.“

Finally, make your goals time-bound. Set specific, shorter timelines and measure your progress along those lines. This practice will help you to visualise progress and to better adapt if things don’t work out in a specific week or month. It is very deflating when your goal for a whole next year is to visit the gym two times per week and you’ve already given up in March. It may also take a whole year for you to get back into the grind. If you fail a one-month goal, you can reassess, readjust if necessary and get back into rhythm quickly. Shorter, time-bound goals also prevent long-term setbacks and allow for reevaluation and adaptation along the way.

Remember to reflect on the fundamental questions of why you are pursuing a healthy body, who you are doing it for, and the benefits your goals will bring. By remaining mindful of these core factors and developing a targeted and effective plan, you can make meaningful progress towards your fitness objectives.

Your focus determines your reality.

We would love to hear about your training experience and journey! Feel free to share your progress, challenges, and successes with us by email. Your feedback and insights are valuable to us as we continuously strive to improve both our posts and the app designed specifically to support you in achieving your goals.

We sincerely hope that the information we provide in our posts, combined with the features and functionality of our app, will be instrumental in helping you make significant strides towards your fitness objectives. Your dedication and commitment to your health and well-being inspire us, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Best regards,
Anoush & Yann
[email protected]


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