HealEra Wrapped and a heartfelt Thank You!

This has been a tremendous year, here's to many more!

If you’re in the business of making something, be in the business of making something great.

Robert Iger

We are now officially on the verge of surpassing the six-month mark since HealEra made its debut in the App Store. It has been a few years beyond this, since we initially conceived the idea and shaped the vision of the product you can hold in your hands today. The end of the year is a great moment to reflect on the numerous pivotal moments that had to happen to get to this stage. And since our launch in June, a lot of really exciting things have happened.

We've enjoyed a lot of support from family and friends. They were instrumental in test-running our initial beta versions, tremendously helping in refining the app's finer details. We received feedback that made us reconsider the design and improve many components of the app. Their encouragement and interest were great motivators, and HealEra would be worse off without their continuous feedback.

In addition, we launched this Newsletter/Blog that, as of now, has grown to nearly 300 subscribers. We are thrilled to utilise this platform to not only share our thoughts and promote the app but also offer free information and stimulate engaging discussions about health and fitness on the whole spectrum. As we stride into 2024, expect regularly scheduled bi-weekly posts, with a few surprises in between.

Cultivating a following on social media, particularly on Instagram where we've reached a milestone of 1700 followers, has proven an exciting challenge. The responses to our posts have made every effort worthwhile, and we are eager to continue sharing practical, actionable content and growing our community in the year ahead. While social media comes with its own set of challenges, we are committed to being a positive influence in this space.

As the year came to a close, we experienced a personal highlight when HealEra was spotlighted in a local newspaper. Revue penned a comprehensive and insightful article on our app, sparking new interest. We are very grateful for the opportunity and eager to build great relationships in the future.

Featured in “Revue”

Above all, we've gained an enormous wealth of knowledge on the many facets of running a business. From building and updating an app, creating engaging marketing strategies, maintaining business viability, all while striving ever closer to our vision of providing the premier health and fitness app for our customers – it's been an exhilarating journey. We look forward towards an even more productive year in 2024 and hope you will be with us for the ride.

A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who downloaded, tested, subscribed to, and recommended our product. Our gratitude extends to every reader of this newsletter and to everyone who has supported us on this journey. Your encouragement has been integral to our progress.

This is merely the beginning, and there's so much more in store!

Have a Happy New Year!

Anoush & Yann

PS: In celebration, we wanted to share some early prototypes of the app. We hope you'd agree that we've come quite a long way.

Early Training Overview

Initial Profile section

Early Training Draft


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