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  • I am a healthy person, I am a healthy person...

I am a healthy person, I am a healthy person...

Shift your perspective, become who you want to be

Habit is far more dependable than inspiration. Make progress by making habits. Don’t focus on getting into shape. Focus on becoming the kind of person who never misses a workout.

Kevin Kelly - Excellent Advice For Living

Dear Community,

Almost all worthwhile pursuits in life - mastering a musical instrument, nurturing a thriving relationship, honing culinary skills - take considerable time and effort. Progress is seldom a straight line. Often times great rewards are just beyond the next steep hill to climb and staying motivated proves to be a challenge.

This principle holds true for our favourite topic: personal fitness and health. Regardless of our efforts, calendars filled with other priorities are inevitable, setbacks like injuries a possibility. Simply put: Life gets in the way. This is where simply failing becomes an attractive proposition. Taking the easy way out because factors beyond our control have impeded our progress. Thinking our goal was too ambitious to begin with and promising to try again in the future...

Having lived through this endless cycle at times ourselves, we recognise this struggle. It's time to adopt a different perspective; let's try a different approach.

Instead of setting a specific goal like ”I want to get fit”, what if we reframe the problem to: ”What would a healthy person do?”. The phrasing of this idea can take various forms, such as “What would X do?” where X represents someone we admire for the traits we aspire to.

We suggest taking this to an even higher level. By stepping into the shoes of the person we wish to become, we adopt the mantra, "I am a healthy person, so…". By embracing the behaviors we wish to incorporate into our routine, our aspirations become more tangible.

Let's look at some examples of how this mindset shift can be put into practice:

Consistent Exercise

→ Goal: I need to hit the gym 3 days a week this month to achieve my fitness target.

→ Being fit is part of who I am, so I ensure I dedicate time every day to some form of physical movement simply because it makes me feel good.

Workout Consistency

→ Goal: If I miss today's training session, I can still achieve X by catching up tomorrow or pushing harder in the next one. → Healthy Perspective: As someone committed to health, I don't skip my workouts. Even if time is tight, I'll ensure to put in at least 10 minutes of effort.

Nutritious Eating

→ Goal: I've achieved X this week, so I've earned this bag of chips I'm about to enjoy in front of the TV. → Healthy Perspective: Being a health-conscious individual, I won't diminish my workout efforts with food that's less nutritious and satisfying than what I imagine.

Healthy Habits

→ Goal: Two weekends ago, I took a long walk, so I don't need to concern myself with outdoor activity today. → Healthy Perspective: As a healthy person, I aim for consistent walking routines and try to spend time outside appreciating nature's beauty.

Sound Sleep

→ Goal: If I just finish this episode, I'll still get at least 5 hours of sleep tonight.

→ I am a health-conscious individual, hence, I ensure I prioritize quality sleep every night to maintain optimal health and productivity.

Words are extremely powerful. Changing the wording, the message we tell ourselves can lead to enormous positive changes. Making health an intrinsic attribute of yourself, helps to minimize the need for decision-making, turning our fitness and health habits into non-negotiables. Skipping a workout is no longer an option because it's not just a task to be ticked off a to-do list - it’s simply the way you live your life.

While goals have their importance, embodying the persona of the healthier you is a potent strategy. This transformation helps you keep moving forward, even when the path ahead appears steep.

Let's not just aspire to our goals; let's embody them. By embracing our role as "healthy individuals", we don't just change our habits; we transform our identity, and in the process, invite long-lasting changes into our lives.

Here's to your health, not as a goal, but a lifestyle. Onward and upward!

This week’s reader question is from a LinkedIn Member:
How can you improve your mood or reduce stress when you encounter setbacks in life?

By not allowing your mood to get in your way. Your mood changes as you get things done in your life. If you're not in the mood to workout, push through it, and you can be certain that your mood will improve after the work out. Never allow your mood to dictate your next actions. This is how you condition your body and mind to pursue your true desires.

Another aspect is having clear goals in your life. Many people are uncertain about what they want but are clear about what they don't want. What you focus on becomes your reality. Everything you imagine manifests in your reality. If you convince yourself that your life is hard, it will remain so unless you change your mindset.

Delve deep and examine the values, principles, and life rules you want to establish for yourself. Sometimes, we create rules as simple as, “when I wake up in the morning and can move my toes, I feel lucky,” and then happiness depends solely on whether your toes move. If you have rules that rely on external factors like: “I feel happy when the sun shines,” happiness is contingent upon sunny weather. If you live in a rainy and cloudy climate, you won’t experience happiness frequently. What are your life rules, principles, beliefs, and values built upon?

You can also shift your perspective; what you perceive as a setback, you can view as a life lesson teaching you to adapt and perceive things differently. If one day you reach a point where you're grateful for all the problems you've encountered, then you've truly understood the essentials of who we are, and great things will follow. Nowadays, it's all about maintaining a positive attitude, but perpetual positivity won't lead you anywhere. Some degree of unhappiness is necessary to incite change.

Lastly, reducing stress isn't the goal; rather, you aim to become resilient so that stress has minimal impact on you because of the clear rules and systems you have created for yourself.

Submit your questions to [email protected].

  • What is the trait you want to acquire? Which decisions can you remove from your life by incorporating that persona?

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As always, thanks for reading,

Information is power, but action brings transformation. That's why we've developed the HealEra app to support you on your health and fitness journey. (currently iOS only)

Our app is based on three health pillars: Release, Strength, and Mobility.

  • It offers a wide range of training routines categorized by difficulty levels, catering to all ability levels from beginners to advanced enthusiasts.

  • With HealEra, you can identify and target painful areas, finding the right exercises to ease and eliminate pain. The app also provides valuable information about specific areas of concern.

  • Monitor your progress with our comprehensive statistics section, which helps you make informed decisions about adjusting your training routine.

Other features include the ability to create your own routines and share exercise collections with other users. Sign up now for a 14-day trial to experience the app yourself.


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