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Get a head start, crush your new years resolution today

...with a Time-Effective Core Workout for All Ages

New Year's resolutions - we've all made them and we've all broken them (Kudos to you, if you can shake your head no at that statement). One topic that always tops these lists is Health. We all tend to agree that health should be a number one priority in our lives and as such, many of our new year's goals are tied directly to fitness or physical well-being. These aspirations usually boil down to one simple mantra: eat healthier, exercise more.

The catch is obviously that those commitments often fizz out. Studies suggest that no less than a staggering 80% of people who join a gym in January, have quit by the end of May. People tend to either postpone their goals until they are forgotten or they start off too aggressively and can't stay motivated due to an unsustainable pace.

This year, instead of relying on the arbitrary January 1st timeline, let's hit the ground running. We suggest discarding resolutions and diving directly into action. Let's do so by crushing a time-efficient exercise routine, that is useful for any age group and fits into anyone's schedule.

The training routine we're proposing is a straightforward Core workout (termed 'Core PRO I' in the HealEra app). All you need is 15 to 20 minutes, a fitness mat or soft surface and some space to move around.

The Benefits

- A robust core supercharges your daily activities in several ways. It contributes to stability and balance in both stationary and dynamic activities.

- Core strength improves posture by supporting the spine, which helps to alleviate back pain and prevent injuries

- Almost all our movements engage the core. Whether we lift, bend, reach, or twist, our core muscles act as a central link. Therefore, a stronger core can improve performance in sports and other physical activities.

- Some of your core muscles assist in the breathing process, therefore, a stronger core can result in improved respiratory function.

The Routine

The routine consists of seven exercises that are repeated for three consecutive rounds.

Choose from three levels based on your comfort and experience:

  • Beginner (Level 1): 3 to 10 repetitions of each exercise. Take your time and don't feel bad about taking breaks between reps. Pause after each round for at least 60 seconds to recharge before moving on.

  • Intermediate (Level 3): Allocate 25 seconds per exercise, with a 10 second break before starting the next round. Aim to maintain core tension throughout.

  • Advanced (Level 5): Dedicate 35 seconds per exercise, with a 10 second breather before launching into the next round. Again, strive to maintain tension consistently.

Exercise 1: DeadBug
Activate your abdominal muscles with this first exercise.

Exercise 2: Crunch
This is classic core exercise will strengthen the core as well as the hip flexor muscles, especially if you elevate your whole body.

Exercise 3: Crunch Flutter Kick
A popular addition to calisthenics, it bolsters the core, hip flexor, and knee extensor muscles.

Exercise 4: Crunch Kick
This exercise brings an extra challenge to the core and hip flexor muscles, fortifying them even more.

Exercise 5: Crunch Russian Twist
You can do this exercise without any supplemental equipment; however, incorporating a weight can significantly increase its effectiveness.

Exercise 6: Crunch Reversed
Introducing a twist on the traditional crunch, this exercise provides variety to your core workout.

Exercise 7: Hollow Hold Roll
Quite popular in calisthenics, Hollow Hold Rolls engage the entire body, maximizing the strength-building potential of the entire routine.

Regular core routines can help steadily build core muscle strength. They offer immense benefits without demanding substantial amounts of time or equipment.

Cheers to closing this year on a vigorous note, and here's to a healthy and robust new year!

Catch you soon,
Yann & Anoush

PS: We’ve also redesigned our website. Give it a visit if you’re interested.


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