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New Design, Better You: Meet Your Enhanced Training Stats Dashboard

Empower your training regimen

In this recent overhaul, we’ve revitalised the statistics section in our app, introducing a more insightful, intuitive and fun to use experience. Let’s have a quick look at the various enhanced statistics in this revamped version.

Athlete Level - Elevate your progress

Your personal Athlete Level is a completely new stat we’ve introduced with this update. This motivational tool accumulates points with each completed training routine. While the base points are calculated according to the time invested in your training and applied in the same way every single time, a small multiplier adds bonus points for more difficult levels. If your goal is not only to maintain a healthy body, but to attempt more difficult exercises in the future, we want to encourage you with this new point-based system. As you advance towards the next level, watch your trophy fill up, offering a tangible measure of your invested effort.

Time and Sessions - Goals at a Glance

Time and Session goals are now displayed more prominently, atop your stats page. A Session is the combination of all training routines completed in a single day. Quickly assess the completion percentage of your set goal, depending on the chosen timeframe (weekly or monthly). Achieved goals will be greeted with a well-deserved green finish flag. Directly below, find the average time invested per session.

Average Level - Pushing Boundaries

Most HealEra training routines offer a variation of levels in order to provide you with an incremental way to raise the difficulty of your training sessions, to help you progress continuously. Average Level, as per its name, indicates the average difficulty of your training routines across a specific time period. If you are ambitious about raising your fitness level to new heights, this is the stat you want to keep an eye on from month to month and year to year!

Get the insights you need to achieve results you will love.

Variety Index - Ditch the Monotony

The Variety Index nudges you if you're stuck in a routine rut. Scores range from “very low” to “very high” with three levels in between. A “very low” variety index indicates that you may try out new training routines, to decrease the risk of injury and build an overall healthy body. We encourage users to experiment and diversify workout methods to uncover new movements, overcome plateaus and challenge different muscle groups.

Training Type - Endurance, Strength, or Hypertrophy

The Training Type indicates the genre of training that you found yourself favouring in the selected timeframe.

Endurance training increases sustained physical activity and enhances the cardiovascular and respiratory function. These improvements involve increased stroke volume, lung capacity, and oxygen delivery. The development of muscular endurance is facilitated by an increase in mitochondria, the cells responsible for energy production. Consequently, individuals engaging in endurance training may experience heightened daily energy levels. This type of training is particularly advisable for individuals who commonly experience fatigue and persistent tiredness.

Hypertrophy training aims to increase muscle size through moderate exercises and repetitions, inducing metabolic stress, and tension. With shorter rests than strength training and longer than endurance, it optimizes muscle growth and enhances cell fluid and energy storage. Creating metabolic stress via higher reps and shorter rests contributes to muscle growth and triggers hormonal responses. This approach is for everyone who wants to grow their muscle size. It involves moderate exercises, more reps, and intermediate rests for effective muscle hypertrophy.

Strength training amps up muscle power, making you stronger and more resilient. Heavier exercises with fewer reps will challenge your muscles. Longer rests helps to recover for consistent power. Recommended for anyone, especially athletes, who want to increase muscle strength, and muscle growth. Add it to your routine for a powerful boost!

The key differences lie in the intensity and exercise repetitions of your workout:

  • Endurance: Minimal rest between sets, low to moderate intensity for extended durations and high repetitions.

  • Hypertrophy: Intermediate rest periods to balance stress, moderate intensity with moderate loads for a moderate number of repetitions.

  • Strength: Longer rest periods for optimal recovery and high intensity with heavy exercises and few repetitions.

There is no right or wrong when training in a specific type; it all depends on the goals you set for yourself in your smart health vision.

Muscle Ratio - Keep your balance

Maintain the balance and reap the benefits.

Our most advanced stat is designed to provide a wealth of important information. The Muscle Ratio highlights a preferential focus on specific muscle groups. Maintaining balance among muscle groups is vital to prevent injury and ensure sustainable progress. In this helpful chart, a muscle indicated in the red zone signifies that it is undertrained and requires more focused attention in your exercise regimen. We have built our training routines with these balances in mind. With a diversified routine, you will be able to keep the blue indicators within the chart’s middle section and train in the most efficient and healthy way possible.

Muscle Activity

Muscle Activity bars rank muscles based on engagement level during training sessions. Training for a specific group? This tool offers insights into the most-utilized muscle areas.

There is more…

We've revised the chart section to mirror our statistics screen updates, allowing a comprehensive comparison over the last three to nine months. Furthermore, we've jazzed up the design to increase user engagement. Now personalize your app experience by choosing your header.

We remain committed to enhancing your health journey. Enjoy our app's new look and features!

Catch you soon,
Anoush & Yann


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